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making relative references from hda parms to its children with python

kaffee, junge

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Hi there,

I am creating folders and parms on an hda with python.
The script looks for a folder name in the hda's children, then creates the same folder with the same (renamed) parms on the hda. 

Now I want to make relative references from the hda to the child parms.

Is there a way to do that by just using the parmTemplates that I already have using the script below?
I dont want to look through each parm on the nodes and match them by name. I think I would need to distinguish between parm and parmTuple and so on...


In the script the hda is named test1 with one child node. The child node has a folder called 'Test Folder' containing arbitrary parms.

	node = hou.node('/obj/test1')
assetDef = node.type().definition()

##get the first childs parmTemplateGroup and folder by name
parm_group = node.children()[0].parmTemplateGroup()
folder = parm_group.findFolder(('Test Folder'))    ##returns FolderParmTemplate

##get all parms in folder
parm_tuple = folder.parmTemplates()

##create new Folder on the asset
newFolder = assetDef.addParmFolder('Test Folder')

##clone each parm, rename and add to the asset
for item in parm_tuple:
    oldName = item.name()
    clone = item.clone()
    clone.setName('new_' + oldName)
    assetDef.addParmTuple(clone, ('Test Folder',))
Edited by cookiemonsterandthegirls
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