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Creating Custom Shelf Buttons [SOLVED]

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I've been working with particles a lot recently and find myself continuously needing to open the 'display options' window to switch between displaying particles as points or discs (so I can visualise the pscale in viewport).

Would these two display options be something I could add to the shelf as two buttons? Display particles as points and display particles as discs?
I have no knowledge of how to create shelf buttons.

Edited by GlennimusPrime
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Hi thanks @Fenolis I was hoping for an easy shelf button so I can quickly switch between the two ideally. I don't want to have to do the whole copy to points thing whenever I want to switch back and forth between points and discs. I know it's a quick setup to do that, but not ideal when doing this many times a day across multiple projects.

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This code should work, you can make a new shelf tool by right clicking in any empty shelf space and then choose 'New Tool...'


You can paste this in the 'Script' tab:

if hou.ui.curDesktop().paneTabOfType(hou.paneTabType.SceneViewer).curViewport().settings().particleDisplayType() == hou.viewportParticleDisplay.Points:


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Hey John,

Thanks for the code. I have a question, does Houdini echo your actions somewhere? I remember in Softimage, every action I did, the python would echo that action, so it was easy to create scripts as you could grab the code from there.

Does Houdini have that kind of functionality?

6 hours ago, jkunz07 said:

This code should work, you can make a new shelf tool by right clicking in any empty shelf space and then choose 'New Tool...'


You can paste this in the 'Script' tab:

if hou.ui.curDesktop().paneTabOfType(hou.paneTabType.SceneViewer).curViewport().settings().particleDisplayType() == hou.viewportParticleDisplay.Points:



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