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Point Replicate Procedural and scene export

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I am reading a bgeo sequence of source particles thru a file node, and then utilizing the point replicate procedural to up the point count.

Problem is that the export times for mantra are a tad too long, as these source points are already in a format (bgeo) mantra could read directly right?

Ive tried to delay load those points but it seems the pointreplicate needs to have these points present in scene.


Any other way to proceduraly load those points directly into mantra and replicate them?



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yeah, i'd REALLY love to see chainable procedurals.  delay load to feed the point replicate, for example.  not sure there's a solution, really.  maybe they could add a "read from file" option to the point replicate to pull from a file instead of the ifd.  seems like a decent RFE.

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