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Error Adding Mantra render

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I'm having this issue where when I try to add a Mantra render to my scene, I get an error message.

See image attached.


I have some projects that had no issue with adding Mantra, but not as of late and I was not sure if updating to the latest is causing it or not.


Im running 15.0.347 on a i7 Hackintosh, 32gb memory, Nvidia 980ti card. Running Apprentice license.


Is there a procedure for adding Mantra? Like certain prerequisites that must also be in place before a Mantra PBR can be added?

Any help is GREATLY  appreciated!




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It should just add without error - perhaps you have a different version of Python installed. Type the following into the terminal: /usr/bin/python


You can also try installing a later version Houdini.

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I entered that into terminal and got this:

Python 2.7.10 (default, Jul 14 2015, 19:46:27) 

[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 6.0 (clang-600.0.39)] on darwin

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Well I was able to find the pref which were hidden. Deleted the 15.0 pref .  Houdini relaunched and still throwing the same error when adding Mantra or Mantra PBR to the scene. Maybe it's Hackintosh related issue? It's just weird how it use to work, then it doesn't. I'll try and determine if the files that have a working Mantra can be merged with one that has an issue.

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Well, I went thru the tutorial even though it was tempting to skip to the mantra lesson chapter, I didn't.

I guess that's the good news. The bad news is that I still could not add a Mantra node, plain or pbr, without getting that same error message.

So, it's got to be either how Yosemite 10.10.5 on my hackintosh is not 100% happy with running Houdini. That is unless someone has some other things to try. MPlay works fine. Yet I can go back to the same tutorial project hip file from a few months ago, and it has Mantra and renders. So I can have an older project work, but a newer version of the same content and procedure that throws that blasted error. Maybe a script is broken. Is that a viable thought? I the error seems to point to a misnaming of a node during the creation of the Mantra output node being added.


 used Text Wrangler to look at the two files...




HouNC1033600ba605704271b043eebb65.variablesset -g ACTIVETAKE = 'Main'
set -g DRIVER = 'opengl1'
set -g DRIVERPATH = '/out/opengl1'
set -g E = '2.7182818284590452354'
set -g EYE = 'stereo'
set -g HIP = '/Users/billgilbride/Introduction to Particles in Houdini/houdini_files'
set -g HIPFILE = '/Users/billgilbride/Introduction to Particles in Houdini/houdini_files/23_BeginA.hipnc'
set -g HIPNAME = '23_BeginA'
set -g JOB = 'Z:/Projects/Houdini/---_Particles as Dynamics in Houdini/project_files/houdini_files/02_End.hip'
set -g PI = '3.1415926535897932384'
set -g POSE = '/Users/billgilbride/Library/Preferences/houdini/15.0/poselib'
set -g _HIP_SAVEPLATFORM = 'macosx10.10-x86_64-clang6.1'
set -g _HIP_SAVETIME = 'Tue Apr  5 16:59:07 2016'
set -g _HIP_SAVEVERSION = '15.0.416'
Mantra Works File
HouNC1033600ba60567b793b043eebb70.variablesset -g ACTIVETAKE = 'Main'
set -g DRIVER = 'mantra-PBR'
set -g DRIVERPATH = '/out/mantra-PBR'
set -g E = '2.7182818284590452354'
set -g EYE = 'stereo'
set -g HIP = '/Users/billgilbride/HoudiniProjects/Introduction to Houdini 15/houdini_project'
set -g HIPFILE = '/Users/billgilbride/HoudiniProjects/Introduction to Houdini 15/houdini_project/45a_End.hipnc'
set -g HIPNAME = '45a_End'
set -g JOB = 'C:/Users/john/Desktop/houdini_projects/intro_course/05-importingGeo.hip'
set -g PI = '3.1415926535897932384'
set -g POSE = 'C:/Users/john/Documents/houdini15.0/poselib'
set -g _HIP_SAVEPLATFORM = 'macosx10.10-x86_64-clang6.1'
set -g _HIP_SAVETIME = 'Wed Dec 23 23:48:59 2015'
set -g _HIP_SAVEVERSION = ''
set -g _HIP_SHELFTOOLCOUNT = '142'
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so you get the same error if you browse your network view pane to "/out" and hit "tab" then locate "mantra" and place down the node?


the main menu method executes additional python (namely the main menu python code) so it's possible there's something wonky with that code.


you can try this... open a python shell inside of houdini and do the following:

import roptoolutils

that will create rop the same way the main menu does.  see if it chokes and where it chokes if it does.

Edited by fathom
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I did that, and this is what the python shell said:

>>> import roptoolutils
>>> roptoolutils.createRenderNode('ifd')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<console>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/Library/Frameworks/Houdini.framework/Versions/15.0.416/Resources/houdini/python2.7l
ibs/roptoolutils.py", line 9, in createRenderNode
    rop = hou.node('/out').createNode(rop_type, exact_type_name=True)
  File "/Library/Frameworks/Houdini.framework/Versions/15.0.416/Resources/houdini/python2.7l
ibs/houpythonportion.py", line 567, in decorator
    return hdefereval.executeInMainThreadWithResult(func, *args, **kwargs)
  File "/Library/Frameworks/Houdini.framework/Versions/15.0.416/Resources/houdini/python2.7l
ibs/hdefereval.py", line 41, in executeInMainThreadWithResult
    return _queueDeferred(code, args, kwargs, block=True)
  File "/Library/Frameworks/Houdini.framework/Versions/15.0.416/Resources/houdini/python2.7l
ibs/hdefereval.py", line 74, in _queueDeferred
    raise exc_info[1]
OperationFailed: The attempted operation failed.
Invalid node type name
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Might be time to try re-installing Again, Houdini throws the same error back after entering the script into the python shell:


Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> hou.node("/out").createNode("ifd")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<console>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/Library/Frameworks/Houdini.framework/Versions/15.0.416/Resources/houdini/python2.7l
ibs/houpythonportion.py", line 567, in decorator
    return hdefereval.executeInMainThreadWithResult(func, *args, **kwargs)
  File "/Library/Frameworks/Houdini.framework/Versions/15.0.416/Resources/houdini/python2.7l
ibs/hdefereval.py", line 41, in executeInMainThreadWithResult
    return _queueDeferred(code, args, kwargs, block=True)
  File "/Library/Frameworks/Houdini.framework/Versions/15.0.416/Resources/houdini/python2.7l
ibs/hdefereval.py", line 74, in _queueDeferred
    raise exc_info[1]
OperationFailed: The attempted operation failed.
Invalid node type name
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do you only have this problem with mantra nodes?  can you place a renderman rop?  how about vops?  like say a transform vop?


these all come from the same hda:


in the houdini/otls dir in your install, there's a file called "OPlibScripted.hda".  that's where the ifd driver node is located.  see if you can locate it.


you can try using the "assets" menu and opening the "manage asset libraries" dialog.  that should list all the otls installed (including the built-in nodes).  in the "scanned asset library directories" tree you should have a dozen or so libraries coming from your houdini install.  it could be those are unreadable or corrupted or something....

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in houdini, use the "assets" pulldown on the menu bar.  then select "manage assets library".  that should help you locate where in the file system the files are located and perhaps identify a problem (like it's empty).


the Oplib*.hda files should be in  "/Library/Frameworks/Houdini.framework/Versions/15.0.416/Resources/houdini/otls" i'm guessing (not sitting at a mac).

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The mantra assets seem to be there. Found them with your path info from above. Reinstalling did not fix anything. Opening the working mantra project, works. Creating a new one from fresh assets, does not.


Perhaps I am not clearing out all the preferences to start fresh from the install. Since once I install, houdini know where recent projects are. I thought I had tried ridding the preferences once already. Possibly fresh install with all preferences purged. I'm at a loss. Are there pointers as to where all the install items live, so I can manually delete all files? Or perhaps some default setting is point to an empty or wrong location?


I really appreciate the comments and would much rather be lurking on threads rather than learning the finer points of un-breaking an install problem.

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All Houdini files for OsX:






/Applications/Houdini\ 15.0.434



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