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Intersect Vop


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I'm having trouble with the intersect() vex function....I'm doing something stupid and I need fresh eyes to spot it for me. :)

All the action is in /obj/model

The grid points are having rays shot from the points along their normals at the sphere. The grid is enclosed inside the sphere....so the intersect() should be hitting something.

In Houdini 7.x it either gives 0,0,0 or nans

In Houdini 8.0.x it just gives 0,0,0

(I'm stashing the result in Cd)

Any ideas?


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I think it uses the the length of the normal as the maximum distance to check for intersections, if you multiple N by 10 then it starts working



damnit..of course..... this is like the 3rd time I've forgotten that. :cry2:

Thanks chief. :notworthy:

And this is a perfect example of a time to use that new note adding feature in 8.

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