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Using Op:/ To Reference Stuff - No Luck

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Hey everyone,

I've setup a simple scene with a shader using a point cloud to get Cd, but it only works with ROP Output'ed bgeos? When I change it to op:/obj/geo1/add1 which is the path to my point cloud in the scene, it just renders blacks. Any tips on using the op: keyword?

I've also seen some other posts on odforce about this, but couldn't find my answer there.





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First off, how's SESI treating ya, Alvin?

And as for your problem... I don't know *exactly* why using op syntax won't work, but until someone corrects me I'll speculate as to why it won't work...

My simple guess is that mantra is unaware of operators inside of Houdini. When you tell Houdini to render a scene, it launches mantra and a bare-bones description of your scene/objects to be rendered. Houdini doesn't pass off a list of operators and expressions you wrote to generate the objects- only the final result. Houdini didn't realize it needed your "add1" SOP cooked because you only requested the add1 SOP in your shader - and your shader only gets called at render. Even if your add1 SOP was cooked, mantra would probably be confused by the op syntax since I believe it is only useful inside of Houdin. But honestly, I'm making this up as I go (sure sounds good though!)

Regardless, you have a working solution - write out the .bgeo's to disk and read those in. If you're absolutely determined to use op syntax, then you could transfer your VOP network over to a VEX SOP Definition - and then you'll see it works just fine with the op syntax. (I tried it - works like a charm).

Best of luck - and give everyone at SESI my best regards,


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Hey Brian! Doing great here!

Nice speculation :-) I've also tried using the vex code generated by the vop network and using the op: syntax there, but no luck? I'll need to try again. With regards to using VOPs, I may wanna bug the developers and staff here but I wanna do as much as I can with the forums and and mailing list b4 I bug 'em.

I'll keep you posted.

* waves to doc :-) *


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  • 3 weeks later...

Yeah, op:/ only works within Houdini. Mantra is its own application which doesn't have SOPs in it :) One lives in hopes that H9 will address this, since theoretically the geo could be saved into the IFD and then referenced that way but I expect it's not a simple project.


Peter B

Hey Brian! Doing great here!

Nice speculation :-) I've also tried using the vex code generated by the vop network and using the op: syntax there, but no luck? I'll need to try again. With regards to using VOPs, I may wanna bug the developers and staff here but I wanna do as much as I can with the forums and and mailing list b4 I bug 'em.

I'll keep you posted.

* waves to doc :-) *


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