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Deep Rasters, which formats can contain DR planes?

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  • 2 weeks later...

That houdini can read or write natively, it is our .pic format only.

Other formats that support deep rasters: tiff, photoshop native format, the ilm image format. the discrete image format. Some shops in Hollywood develop their own formats that support extended bit planes. Digital Domain and Nuke for example.

There are probably others, but these are the most commonly used formats in the SFX industry.

I firmly believe that the pic format from Side Effects is a very modern image format and is very robust, supports compression, allows arbitrary number of raster planes at varying bit depths. Powerful stuff and you don't have to write a bunch of tools to support it as you can use Halo or hscript to bust apart the images if need be.

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Thank you for the good information old school! Do you know if the .pic format supports any "native" form of compression, which allows reading and modifying of the files without first uncompressing them? (Sort of like the non-lossy LZW compression of the .tif format.)

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