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Sprite Rendering Issue (...surprise surprise)


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Hey all, I've implemented Miquel's updated sprite shader into a simple scene to mess around with it and I'm getting some artifacts around the edge of my sprites. Here is an example of the artifact:


After digging through the forums, I found an old thread from cellchuk:


So I added the $F3 to my depth-map file, and it wrote out correctly, but I still received artifacts. I also turned off motion-blur but that didn't fix the problem either. I tried moving the light casting the shadows, based on old school's post, and it did indeed reduce the banding. So now I'm trying to figure out how to fake the orientation of the sprites. I've taken some of the other posts into consideration but I'm kind of confused by the implementation. I'm using 9.5 at work and have attached an example of the problem. Feel free to post suggestions or mess around with the file. There are around 3500 sprites and it's rendering at HD720 so I'd advise lowering the count and render quality for testing. Thanks in advance!


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When you render out the depth map, the cards will orient themselves to the light. The depth map is then valid for cards facing the light and not the camera. When you actually render the cards they are oriented to the camera somewhat invalidating the depth map.

So to correct this error add another source of error: Blur your deep shadow map (shadow softness).

In your example file if I set the Shadow Softness to 1 then the artifacts are greatly reduced with only a slight softening to the final look.

If you render with much smaller sprites (as Miguel does) and add a bit of blur (say 0.1 to 0.5) in practice the artifacts will essentially be blurred out as well.


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