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Gas dissipate for Pyro ?


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it is interesting that there isn't a dissipation tab on the pyrosolver (as there is a diffusion tab). You could create a sink that is a box the same size as your fluid box, then use a isooffset(fog volume), followed by a volumemix(set to User, with value expression $V*ch("../rate")), followed by a volumevop to customize where the dissipation occurs (I set up a simple scene using noise to make the dissipation uneven).

Of course you could also go into the pyrosolver and put in a gasdissipate dop as you said, but I don't have the answer to that question so I provide an alternative ;)

will be interesting to hear other responses.


Hey all, I'm creating some FX with new Pyro solver, and wondering where I might plug in a gasdissipate dop to have my smoke or denstity field dissipate over time .

Thanks for any insight !


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Yeah Gas Dissipate came along very near the end of the beta cycle for 10 so I guess they didn't get the chance to make a shelf tool. Easy enough to make, but yeah, it's such a common request it would be handy. :) I guess you already figured it out, but you attach it to the Pyro Advection input and you're off...



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