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About junaid

  • Birthday 07/10/1983

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    London, U.K

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  1. ahh cool, point deform sop is in 14.. sadly our production is locked for 13 for this. I guess I can do the same in 13.
  2. Sorry forget to attach the file in post. geoWrap_v02.hip
  3. Okay got it, basically I subtracted the main geo rest position to ray it on the deforming geo and later displaced the geometry back with by using deforming geo normals and length of subtraction of rest geo. I attached the file here, if anyone interested.
  4. yeah it does to certain extend but not in all the situations, I want achieve with using normal direction.
  5. Hey Folks, I am doing this geoWrap thing where I can deform master geo in rest position with animated geo, this solution works in most of the cases but sometime when animated geo turns more than 90 degrees it kind of offsets deform geo to stay on top of animated geo, attaching example file. Thanks, Junaid geoWrap.hip
  6. Hi There, is there any way to get boolean value of invisible parameters? similar to isHidden() and isDisable() methods? Thanks, Junaid
  7. ahh cool, but does the same as the one i mention, I was wondering is there a similar function in Hscript? Cheers, Junaid
  8. okay found it, here how i can get info selected info with python, I was wondering does anybody knows how to do the same with hscript? Since hscript out info bit more cleaner python script selected = hou.Node.path(hou.selectedNodes()[0]) info = hou.hscript("opinfo -v '%s' " % selected) print info
  9. Hey eetu and and luke, sorry got carried away with work, yeah figured out that and thanks for point out. Cheers, Junaid
  10. Hi There, is there a way i can grab path for selected node in hscript? similar to hou.Node.path(hou.selectedNodes()[0]) in python. I know i can do in python with hou.hscript("opinfo -v "/obj/geo1/spehere1" ") but then again the problem is how will i use python in hou.hscript command. selected = hou.Node.path(hou.selectedNodes()[0]) hou.hscript("opinfo -v selected") Thanks, Junaid
  11. Hello There, I am rendering some millions particles and usually point is rendering as disk, is there a way I can render point as spheres? I can use instance but I wanted to keep my IFD size low, therefore I would prefer delay geometry load. If instance is the only option is there a way I can render Instance Geo and Instance points as Delay Load? Thanks, Junaid
  12. actually looks like a problem with Alembic Export, .chan seems spot on. Thanks for nothing ! Junaid
  13. forgot to do the attachment.. chanCamera_import.zip
  14. Hi There, I am kind of putting together a cleaner camera export from XSI to Houdini, though I successfully got everything working but seems like the .chan data is slightly miss matching to alembic camera and I checked it alembic looks about right. I am attaching a .zip which lnclude houdini file, alembic camera and .chan file for your reference. Also how will I iterate focal length and aperture channels from .chan file and apply back to camera. Right now I haven't embedded the focal length/aperture data in chan file but I can export additional channels in the same file from XSI, but don't know how to iterate them in chops. Thanks, Junaid
  15. ahh got it. def createObject(thisnode): nodePath = thisnode.path() createNode = hou.node("/obj").createNode("renderObject", newNode) createNode.setParms({"myParm": nodePath}) Cheer for the help Graham !
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