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Dops Faq


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There is a Dynamics FAQ you can download off the Houdini Exchange at: http://www.sidefx.com/index.php?option=com...er&Itemid=8

The Dynamics FAQ include:

1. How do I set up a basic ball bouncing on the ground?

2. How do I get objects to bounce around inside a containing box (or shape)?

3. How do I get an object to shatter?

4. How do I knock over (shatter) one object with another?

5. How do I control where an RBD object comes to rest?

6. How do I write out the animation channels for an RBD object, to transfer them to Maya?

7. How do I create an explosion?

8. How do I do destruction in layers, starting with the largest pieces and adding smaller ones to approved previous layers?

9. How do I create a chain of constraints (for example, a set of train cars)?

10. How do I combine cloth with RBD?

11. How do I combine particles with RBD?

12. How do I set up cloth constraints?

13. How do I tear a piece of cloth?

14. How do I blend between constraints?

15. How do I change the length of a simulation that is already approved?

16. How do I pre-roll, or offset, an animation?

17. How do I render my simulation?

18. How do I get a particle network to birth objects in a DOP Network?

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