Hi everyone, I'm currently learning houdini and alone I've a lot of issues that I can't solve without your help. I learnt from different tutorials how to constrain bullet dynamic systems.
Bullet and his "packed objects" works very well and I was a bit proud of me... But unfortunatly, in my project I've a lot a concave pieces, wich don't fit with the bullet workflow. (that's what a learnt) and when I try to work with a bullet solver, I've tons of interpenetrations that I don't have with regular RBD solver.
Currently my problem is:
How to make constraints (cone/slide/pin...) without "bullet solver" and his "packed objects" ?
I Join a simple test scene. The left netbox is the bullet workflow (this is the constraints I want), and the right is a "clean" RBD classic workflow.
Thank you very much
Ps: This is my first post, don't hesitate to tell me what am I doing wrong and If I you need more informations.