Hi people...
I got some serious vdb issues, where i got some vdb combining, tweaking,,,combining with other poly to vdb , etc. I have some xfroms on the geom before it gets converted to vdb and combined. It goes well for a while, i make keyframes on the xforms...and at some point on the vdb combine, the xforms stuff up and move out of position. It seems not to like xfroms up the chain, pre vdb conversion.
I do get some odd warnings on some of the VDB combine, i was getting is a 'mismatch surface & surface value mismatch (0.025 & 0.075)' when both A&B vdbs are 0.025, (but gets fixed with a re sample before going in to the vdb combine on both A& B
I also get a warning on 'surface & surface transforms don't match' on the vdb combine that stuffs up my transforms. Pain! I would try to do all my geo transforms then save an alembic and load back without extra xforms, but i do need to line this up to the millimeter, and I can't due to things going off .....
I am runnning 14.0.395
thanks in advance !