Hello guys !
I need a little help. I have a curve and I am trying to get secondary curves around it. And finally to convert it to geometry with polywire. I don't want my curves to interpenetrate or to twist.
I scatter points into a circle. I give an individual attribute to each point. I copy them to the points of the curve.
I tried polyframe and vex code to keep the orientation of the points along the curve. I manage to get it but now I see that my secondary curves twist at some points. I think that I should use quaternion as orient before the copy but I don't know how to use it.
For the moment, I've got this in my wrangle before the copy :
v@N = v@N ;
vector tangentu = v@tangentu;
vector up = set(0,1,0);
vector side = cross(tangentu, up) ;
v@up = side;
v@side = side ;
v@N = tangentu ;
// p@orient = set(@tangentu.x, @tangentu.y , @tangentu.z, radians(90) );
At the end, I will use a polywire (and I don't want them to twist around my main curve).
Do you have some ideas of how I can do this ?
I join the scene to explain.