Hey everyone,
I'm working on the scene of water effect. I project a texture (.exr format) that there are few spot lights on the image to a grid card through a constant shader, in order to catch the reflection from the projected lights on ocean wave's surface and big spray ( created by millions particles), and there are 4 lights ( envlight, 3 other lights ) in the scene.
Then, I render the wave and spray all together. For the moment, the passes I use are: color(RGB), normal, all_emission ( created by Mantra- Extra Image Planes- click " Combined Emission"), depth of field, id. I could do some adjustments in Nuke by using those passes.
the lights on the card are reflected on both wave and spray very well on the color(RGB) pass. But on the all emission pass, the lights from projected card are only reflected and restored on wave surface, not on the big spray ( particles). So I couldn't grade them down and up by using this pass. I tried to assign the wave's material to the big spray ( particles ) , it still doesn't work. Does anybody have the same situation, and how can I solve the issue ? I know that I could use other method to grade separately in comp, however, I would like to know the reason.
Thanks very much!