I'm sure it's been brought up before but for whatever reason I can't find a single answer to this on Google. Searching for "fit range unclamped" returns only 2 results o_O
There's no documentation on this VOP either.
Correct me if I'm wrong but Fit Range works as a fit expression. You feed it the source and the destination and it basically stretches or squeezes the values. So if I have a Sparse Convolution noise pattern and I feed it into a Fit Range VOP and set the Source Min / Max to -1.7 and 1.7 respectively, I'll get that remapped in the 0 to 1 range, correct ?
If I set the Source Min / Max to -1 and 1 , that'll simply 'cut out' the values under -1 and above 1, correct ?
So what does the Fit Range Unclamped do exactly ? I suspect the whole 'source' thing confuses me and I think of it the same way I think about the regular Fit Range >.>
How does it do the remapping ?
Thanks :}