Hi everyone
I am experimenting on a butterfly flocking system, where i was inspired from , OZ the great and powerful where Franco falls from the sky and wonders the Beautiful nature among him and sees a bunch of butterfly(which actually looks like a tree) and flies away.
I am almost there and I need some help no to get this up and running
I created and simple model and animated it using chops and cycled it all the way,
and scatterd some points in a surface and copied it over
and i have used a stamp function on a time shift to randomly make the Wings flap over time, so that all the butterfly looks different (has a different look),
and gave the points some force and it moves fine..
now i am stuck with the wings animation, basically i want to take control over the wings flapping, i.e I want the wings to get flapped when the butterfly is flying and not while resting .
This s where i need your help, i tried and i am still trying, and learning to get this done.
any help would be much appreciated.
I have also attached a file, so far what i have and also for people who doesn't understand my broken English
thanks in advance