Hi, not my first issue but first time here !
I'm trying to control the "trunk" of a l-system using a curve. I thought I could get away with tricks gathered from here and there but I was wrong
I've tried different approaches first one is using a simple rule:
Premise: A Rule #1: A=$(point("../my_control_curve", $F, "P",0), point("../my_control_curve", $F, "P",1), point("../my_control_curve", $F, "P",2))F(((point("../my_control_curve", $F, "P",0)-x)^2+(point("../my_control_curve", $F, "P",1)-y)^2+(point("../my_control_curve", $F, "P",2)-z)^2)^0.5)A [/CODE] Which doesn't work and is kinda barbaric. I tried to simplify it by declaring new variables : [CODE] l: point("../my_control_curve", $F, "P", 0) m: point("../my_control_curve", $F, "P", 1) n: point("../my_control_curve", $F, "P", 2) [/CODE] so my rule became: [CODE] Premise: A Rule #1: A=$(l, m, n)F(((l-x)^2+(m-y)^2+(n-z)^2)^0.5)A [/CODE] or even more readable: [CODE] Premise: A Rule #1: A=B(l, m, n) Rule #2: B(i, j, k)=$(i, j, k)F(((i-x)^2+(j-y)^2+(k-z)^2)^0.5)A [/CODE] [EDIT] When if move forward in time, my first segement is moving to the corresponding point then the rest of the lsystem just stacks at this point. but still no luck. Any clues ? Thx for your time