Hello wizards, i have a little problem, and im not able to understand why my code doesnt work.
I have:
-a couple of points,
-each with a vector attrib "size".
-some code in a wrangle to order the points one above/under(direction shouldnt matter because im taking the absolut value, right?) the other without modifying the first point (0):
if(@ptnum > 0){
vector last_point_size = point(0, "size", @ptnum-1);
vector last_point_pos = point(0, "P", @ptnum-1);
@P.y += ( abs(last_point_size[1]) + abs(last_point_pos[1]) );
Here before/after the wrangle. Tint in blue everything that doesnt change.
What am i doing wrong?
Thanks in advance for your time.