Hi there, I am trying to define the shape of lightning using vex in a wrangle sop
A lightning path has forks that split from any given path, creating other paths with almost identical properties to the main path. To that end I created a path struct but I can't figure out how to get it to store its 'forks'. The same issue would arise if I instead stored the parents instead of the children.
I am defining a path of lightning as so:
struct lPath
lPoint source;
lPoint sink;
float energy;
lPath forks[];
void setSource(lPoint newSource)
void setSink(lPoint newSink)
void setEnergy(float newEnergy)
void create()
my issue is that I can't include a reference to itself due to infinite recursion, which is why in c++ I would use a reference
lPath * forks[];
Is there any way to solve this using vex?
Kind Regards