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  1. Hi, I have been searching for a solution to this RBD problem for a few days now and can't seem to get this to work fully. I attached a scene file with some descriptions inside to help explain. The basic notion here is to dynamically create spring constraints when some packed rbd cubes get close enough to a collision sphere that is at the origin. I can't seem to get the constraints to work unless they are created/exist on frame one. I create them inside a sopnet in the dopnet and use a sop solver to get them into the constraint network setup. Haven't tried creating constraints like this before so might be totally wrong in this approach. This setup works as long as all constraints are there on frame one, and then in the sop solver I set a high strength if the cube is close enough to the sphere, which semi locks the cube to the contact point on the sphere, which is what I want. However if you change the search radius on the wrangle node in the sopnet so that only the closest cubes to the sphere have constraints on frame one, then only those constraints ever evaluate. Any help sorting this out would be appreciated. I couldn't find anything in other posts to help with this. Most posts I saw were about dynamically deleting constraints and not creating them after the sim is going. Thanks E RBD_CONSTRAINT_TESTING_CLEAN_V2.hip
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