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Fluid scaling


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Hi Guys,

I have a slight problem with my fluid smoke simulation, in that the effect I've been messing with so far is working well, but turns out, the scale of the scene I'm going to be getting to implement this effect into...is MUCH smaller! I could just scale the autodopnet, but the problem is that a lot of the effect relies on whats in and around the actual final scene for simulation.

Soooo, does anyone know of a good way to scale the fluid stuff while maintaining all the values that make the sim work at the original scale? i.e. if i resize the fluid container, emitter and stuff, the fluid wont react right because I tweaked the setting at the wrong scale!

Hope I'm getting my question across?

Thanks in advance for any help you can give



Edited by JaydenDP
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I had some similar scaling problem earlier.

I`m new to Houdini, but I guess you have to

get out everything you want to render from

DOP context to geometry context. You probably

use some DOP I/O or DOP import nodes.

If so, after having the simulation done,

you easily can scale the object which

contains the stuff from the simulation

you want to render. It doesn`t affect

the simulation.

You can continue to work with the scale

you want, and correct the scale at the end

of the network.

If you use objects for collisions or emitting,

and the objects are at wrong scale you can scale

them too in a separate geo object to your

simulation scale before using them in the dop network.

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