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rsl arrays from multiparm list


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I'm trying to build RSL VOP texture layering node using Multiparm Block list.

RSL array looks something like this:

string texture_array[] = { "texture_a.tif", "texture_b.tif", "texture_c.tif" };

How can I get Multiparm Block number and values propagated into my SL code?

Thanks in advance


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Alternatively I tried to use Texture node in 'For Loop' node but I couldn't figure out how to use loop count index to change the channel name inside 'For Loop' node in order to feed next texture path to the Texture node.

Edited by rutra
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Ok, I've got seriously dodgy way of doing it. Basically Python script dynamically generates SL arrays. The only problem is that I often have to refresh the script.

Muliparm texture parameter Python CallBack script

print hou.pwd().hdaModule().refresh(kwargs)

..runs following script:

def refresh( kwargs ):
    this_node = kwargs['node']
    num_layers = this_node.parm('layers').eval()
    prefix = 'texturepath'
    parms = this_node.parms()

    texture_paths = []
    for p in this_node.parms():
        parm_name = p.name()
        if parm_name.startswith(prefix):
            texture_paths.append( '"'+p.eval()+'"' )


    code_string = ''
    code_string += 'string Kd_texture_array[] = {'
    code_string += ','.join( texture_paths )
    code_string += '};'

    this_node.parm('texarray').set( code_string )

    return code_string

SL code looks like this:

// generate Kd_texture_array sting array from Multiparm Block list via Python callback script
// looks like this: string Kd_texture_array[] = {"texture1.tdl, texture2.tdl"}

// Get total number of textures in array
uniform float $numLayers = arraylength( Kd_texture_array );

uniform float $i;
string $Kd_texture = "";

for( $i = $numLayers ; $i >= 0; $i -= 1 )
    $Kd_texture = Kd_texture_array[$i];
    $outColor += texture($Kd_texture);

Hopefully someone has better ideas:)

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I was thinking co-shaders could be helpful for this task. You could construct a shader that would accept multiple co-shaders with each having their own texture and blending modes.

In Houdini you might have the multi-parm block call-back copy a co-shader living inside your HDA & wire it up into a co-shader merge SHOP.

Naturally this could fail easily. It's hard to know without getting my hands dirty. I'm not sure if you're using prman either.



Edited by Alanw
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