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Cloth Constraint Question~~


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I want to stretch out my grid, so I did sbdpinconstraint to the left points to fix where they are.

And then I put another sbdpinconstraint to the right end points to move them toward rightside.

But I don't know how to move my constraint to right side by time. I tried many different ways to move the constraint without any success.

Another question is,

I want to constraint right side points to the box objects while keeping distance offset from the box to each point, so I can move my box to control my constraint transform.

Unfortunately, I don't have good understanding about Constraint system such as "anchor obj point group pos bla bla bla~"

Things were easy in max or maya but houdini is quite difficult cuz I want to build my own constraint set.

Please help me~



constraint problem.hip

Edited by jackytop
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Is this the sort of thing you're looking for?

*.hip attached*

Thanks Darric~!

Tanks you so much for helping me and I need one step further~! :lol:

But I don't know why your file just calculate from frame 1 and forever.

I disabled some collision option and made I what I wanted from your file.

so now it shapes like what I want.

Here we have 10Points and constrainted to 10 Goal points.

But What if you have prebaked geometry and complicate one so you can't have same number of points ?

is it possible to constraint my 10 points to one point? while keeping offset as usual ?


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