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Custom Smoothing, Blurring


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I'm trying to make my own python smoothing sop so that I have more control over it.

Not sure if anybody knows the answer to this because it is (probably) not Houdini specific but here it goes:

I use the scipy gaussian_filter1d()to achieve smoothing. It's fast enough but I get "direction" in my smoothing.

Any ideas as to why this happens? I think it has something to do with the array shape.

Or perhaps good links to smoothing, blurring, and denoising?



Edited by Macha
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Yes, it's a nice link. It strengthens my suspicion. I think the algorithm assumes the topology of an image but that is not necessarily true for a 3d object where points may be connected in more complicated and unpredictable ways. I had that problem the my mouse-brain project as well. I guess I have to go and calculate the n'th connected neighbor for every point, and the distance, and work out the blurring from that. Python is perhaps too slow for it so I've got to find a vex way of finding neighbors.

Actually, a bit of a stupid question: How do I edit Vop Vex code? I can rightclick and view source, but how do I edit?

Edited by Macha
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