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Hey guys, wondering if anyone could help me out with some strange troubles i'm having with simple message passing to a fog shadur.

I'm exporting a color 'clr' from my surface shader and trying to read it in with

vector outclr;
string var = "clr";
int win = simport(var, outclr);

I'm getting what looks like uninitialized variable errors.

Any help would be supercool. This seems way basic and I'm missing something simple.

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Hey Brian, this is above my league but I played around with it and got "something". I don't know if that helps you.

Parameter and input was different type in the export shader. Fog was not displayed. I entered the simport string manually. Oh and I also changed your mantra node to a default one. (You have 240 cores!)



Edited by Macha
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  • 3 weeks later...

heard back from sesi on this one. seems like the vex compiler was optimizing out the export variable because it does not check to see if the variable is queried in the fog shader (in the way that it checks to see if an export variable is queried in the output as an aov). the workaround is pretty simple, and that is to declare the export variable as an aov in the mantra rop.

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