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Combining Materials - BSDF?


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Hi Guys,

I have seen people asking on how to combine several materials (not layering them). I'm working on combining the results of two surface models. One is a glass like material and the other is stone type material. My intention is to basically use a ramp to animate a blend from one material to the other using a combination of noise functions. I already tried it using the color mix node with two arbitrary colors and it works like expected.

My intention was to just connect the color result of two surface model nodes (one glass other stone)into each slot of the color mix node and drive the mix through my animated ramp/noise combination. My main concern lies in the bsdf output of both nodes and how to combine them since it is not possible via color mix node. Should I simply multiply one bsdf output by the complement of my noise and do a straight multiplication of the other bsdf and just add the two?

.....or is there a simpler way of combining two materials?

- Alex

Edited by ganzo
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Oh so color mix node and mix node are essentially the same then? I thought bias amount(color mix) and interpolation bias (mix) handled the input differently.

color mix(bias option) defaults to linear interpolation which is the same as mix essentially.

Since BSDF is NOT a color and is the multiplier of the color(radiance) so you cannot feed it into the color slot of the color mix and again I think BSDF should only be linear interpolated.

Edited by ~nature~
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