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100% processor usage in file dialogs

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Hello there! I am brand new to the Houdini community (learning animation to complement my Modo-experience), and have just purchased the Apprentice HD version for my Mac.

I noticed a strange bug that I submitted to Side Effects: basically, on my brand new Macbook Pro 15"(10.6.8, both with the discrete ATI Radeon 6750M video card and the Intel HD Graphics 3000), I get 100% CPU usage when using the Houdini file chooser (e.g., when importing mesh); the CPU usage drops as soon as the file selection dialog box is dismissed. This does not happen with the native (Mac) file chooser.

Similarly, I also get 100% CPU usage when Houdini is waiting for me to confirm the selection for an RBD pin constraint. The CPU usage drops as from the moment the selection is made.

While I very quickly received an answer from Side Effects, it was basically a rejection of the bug report due to the fact that my video card was not officially supported.

Is it indeed my system that's the problem? It may be the case that I am the only one noticing this issue, because my Macbook's fans quickly turned on during the high CPU usage, which I assume will be less the case on a Desktop machine.

Could I ask whether other Mac-users also notice this bug?

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Are you running the latest version of OSX?

Many thanks for your reply, greatly appreciated!

I am indeed running the latest version of OS X (10.6.8). All possible updates of software, firmware and drivers have been applied. This machine is rock-solid in programs such as Modo, Apple Motion, Final Cut Pro, etc.

If I remember correctly, I believe the bug also showed up in 10.6.7, when I tried a few weeks ago when I first tried the Apprentice (non-HD) version.

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Do you still get 100% CPU when you click "Show sequences as one entry" on the File chooser? or if you open a folder that is empty?

Just tried both suggestions, and they do not make any difference...

So your machine does not show 100% CPU usage?

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