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I would model the chute in an open state, then using bones create a rig to fold it up into smaller shapes. You might want to create six or more basic folded states for the chute, and you might need more then one bone rig to create them. At each stage use a Cloth DOP to crush up the chute into a compacted state, and then save the bgeo of the frame where the chute is compacted. Using those bgeo files you can then Blend SOP those states to animate it opening.

It's a very doable effect in Houdini.

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I would model the chute in an open state, then using bones create a rig to fold it up into smaller shapes. You might want to create six or more basic folded states for the chute, and you might need more then one bone rig to create them. At each stage use a Cloth DOP to crush up the chute into a compacted state, and then save the bgeo of the frame where the chute is compacted. Using those bgeo files you can then Blend SOP those states to animate it opening.

It's a very doable effect in Houdini.

Thank you hob good idea..

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