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roping and rendering image automatically?

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Hi all ,

I have a network which is ready to go, the only thing is I need to solve my RBD again(and rop .sim files), and my POP network should be ropped out again and the whole thing needs to be rendered again! which the first 2 steps take at least 3-4 hours. Is there anyway to do all these stuff automatically without any python coding? I'm pretty sure a pipeline TD can do it, but I was wondering if there's any built-in thing in Houdini to do all that stuff automatically?

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Hi Ehsan, you should be able to get this all happening automatically with render dependencies in a single rop network. What you're describing is basically what rop node connections are there for. If you plug the rops to write the sim files into the input of your pop rop, and then that into your image rop, it should all shoot out in that order. If you're on a farm, your farm setup would need to specifically support these types of dependencies, but either way local wouldn't be a problem. If you have two tasks that need to happen concurrently (as opposed to sequentially), then you can use a merge rop.

Edited by mdunkley
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Hi Ehsan, you should be able to get this all happening automatically with render dependencies in a single rop network. What you're describing is basically what rop node connections are there for. If you plug the rops to write the sim files into the input of your pop rop, and then that into your image rop, it should all shoot out in that order. If you're on a farm, your farm setup would need to specifically support these types of dependencies, but either way local wouldn't be a problem. If you have two tasks that need to happen concurrently (as opposed to sequentially), then you can use a merge rop.

Hi Michael,

Thanks for you answer. So that's what I thought, but I didn't know that we can actually rop geo in a rop network. I think I should use geometry rop for that!

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