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CVEX_Context question


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Hi I have question about CVEX_Context, I am trying to add some inputs to CVEX_Context and it always says it's equal to 0.

For example:

CVEX_Context        cvex;
cvex.addInput("Npt", CVEX_TYPE_INTEGER, &npts, 1);
load cvex code 
CVEX_ValueList &iclist = cvex.getInputList();
std::cout << "inputs: " << iclist.entries() << std::endl;

CVEX_ValueList &oclist = cvex.getOutputList();
std::cout << "outputs: "<< oclist.entries() << std::endl;

and result will be like this:

inputs: 0
outputs: 2

My cvex network is really simple, four parameter nodes, 2 parameter nodes to get and set P and two to get and set Cd.

it looks like getOutputList() works correct, but inputlist should be equal to 3 because one input was defined.

Can you help me and explain what I am doing wrong ?


Edited by bareja
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probably I am doing something wrong with code loading, because if I will comment lines responsible for loading, my output is like this:

inputs: 3
outputs: 0

and it make sense, 1 - P, 2 - Cd and 3 - Npt.

Please help :)


OK it's working I did mistake with type assignment.

I am sorry,


Edited by bareja
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I have another question about CVEX_Context, If I will add one input:

// add input
cvex.addInput("P", CVEX_TYPE_VECTOR3, true);

CVEX_Value *P;
GEO_AttributeHandle ahandle = gdp->getPointAttribute("P");

how can I copy/set data from ahandle to *P ? should I copy it ? or maybe somehow I can get pointer to that data and set it to *P ?


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