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Light instances only affecting new objects?


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Hello all! Long time peruser, first time caller. I hope I 1) Adequately searched and made sure this wasn't already answered somewhere, and 2) Am posting this question in the best location.

I'm curious if anyone can guess based off the attached image (and a scene file, if you think it'd help) why instanced point lights would only affect *new* geometry in the scene.


I had a scene. I added an instance object and a grid within it.

I enabled point instancing, and referenced a point light. It didn't work.

I searched and searched, wondering why--decided to make a scene from scratch and test it. It worked there. Then I decided to hide everything in the scene I'm working in and make it all anew, there, and it worked!

Any new geometry I add will be lit, but nothing else... I've checked light linkers...


Thanks in advance!


Regarding the image: The instanced lights are near the bulbs, but nothing in the scene but the cube, as you can see, is being affected.

Edit: Using 11.1 on an intel MacPro OSX 10.6.


Edited by Whithers
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