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access extra inputs of a volume vop

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In a vop sop, I'd use "import attribute" and choose the input number. how do I access volumes from the extra inputs of a volume vop? the volume in the second input has the same name as the volume connected to input 1, so I think just using the name won't work, and there should be a way to specify the incoming input number.

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I beleive the inputs are mostly there as placeholders, traditionally you access other volumes with a Volume Sample from File node, then you can use op:/full/path/to/node to grab an input index. Parameters only ever work on the primary geometry coming in from the first input. For instance, if you want to get the second input of a volume vop and sample it you would attach a parameter to the file input of the Volume Sample node and set it to op:`opinputpath(".",1)`. Smell what i'm steppin' in?

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Nice! I never noticed those until you just mentioned them.

Not sure what Houdini build you are on, but I just learned there are now also string parameters at the bottom of the VOP input with pointers to those inputs as well. One less parameter to manage...

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