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PCwrite from vops

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Hello friendly houdini community,

I would like to know how to procedurally write point clouds from a vopsop.

I'm scattering points over a surface and I would like to create a point cloud based on these scattered points.

This point cloud will record the ID and position of each point so that a shader can sample the nearest X points and do various fun stuff after that.

Currently the pic/hip file attached is creating a scatterCloud.pc file of Okb (with no information).

(the other method approach in the attached hip file reads a point cloud from an input to the vopsop, I hope this isn't the only method of writing point clouds on the fly because I guess that would mean creating a bunch of geometry attributes to be read by the shader and this seems less elegant ((and I'm confused by how to do it as you can see)) )

Anyway I'd appreciate any advice on procedurally writing point clouds or help with my muddled hip file.

Thanks a lot,




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