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how splitted particles can get parent id?


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I have a particle system where each particle gives birth to a new particle every second using SplitPOP without deleted the original. I want somehow the each new particle to store in an attribute the id of its parent. How can I do that?

Apparently there is an parent attribute but it doesn't give me the right results.

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thanks for the reply sadhu but this does not work in my case because this splits the original particles but in my case there is only one original particle which splits once and the the new split particles are in an loop and keep splitting themselves.

Because is sounds confusing, I used your file to demonstrate what i am doing.

P.S. for some reason I cant attached a file when I reply to this topic.

P.S. it seems I have to post it then edit and use full editor in order to attache a file.


Edited by cparliaros
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