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Merging DOPs objects


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I am using the Particle Fluid Solver to simulate two fluids together- Ink and water.

I have gone down a couple of paths that has lead me to the question of how to combine two (DOPs) Particle fluid objects so they simulate together.

First i used two particle fluid object dops to generated the two fluids from sop geo... which added all the attributes i need( different on each particle fluid object ).

Secondly, Import them into sops to set some attrs, merged them(in sops) and then bring them into dops with a Particle Fluid Object set to 'Particle Field'.

This works as expected from the following tutorial....


To speed up the settling of the lower(water) fluid I am wanting to implement the stream emission technique in the below tutorial...(particle fluid emitter)


I can get it to work but am unable to add the second particle fluid object to dops(the ink) as they do not simulate together when created as a second object...

I have tried to merge in the ink point geo using a sop solver but it does not simulate correctly(the stream emission breaks).

Doe anyone know of a clean way to bring in more particle geo into dops or to combine DOP objects?

Attached is my attempt to merge in the sop geo with the sop solver.....(seems to be adding the Ink geo everyframe)



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