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Is this Digital Asset posible


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I am fairly new to Houdini and have taken a great interest into it in my final year of university, we have been taught Maya but I have taken it on myself to start learning Houdini. I would like to do my final major project in it but am unsure if what I am looking to achieve is plausible or even possible.

I am looking to create a digital asset that takes a model, shatters it using the Voronoi shatter and readies it for destruction. I am looking to develop a "materials" library that the user can access then change certain parameters to gain the look they want quickly. The thing I have noticed is that when I add glue to the shattered object it creates an auto DOP network, would this be made part of the asset?

As a whole I would like to bring the usability and functionality of Maya's DMM and create something like it in Houdini using the various tools avaliable and bring into a digital asset.

One is this major project worthy, as in would it take that long to develop and make as I have roughly 6 months to do it.

Two is it plausible for myself, someone who has little experience in Houdini to do, or should I stick to maya and do some smaller projects in Houdini throughout the year.

Thank you.

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It's totally doable, but not sure how much of a major project it would be.

Also being new to Houdini, wanting to develop an asset library type thing (so a bit of python would be required) and having other projects to finish of in the next 6 months I'd say you're asking for a bit of trouble.

I'm presuming you're at Swansea uni, isn't your course more animation driven rather than technical?

Why not think of making small assets for yourself, but using them on a shot that you have matchmoved, modeled the set, projected textures, done some destruction, rendered it and comp etc... Just one shot...

Would be more beneficial to you on the other side when you start applying for jobs.


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Hi Christian,

I am indeed at Swansea Metropolitan Uni, im studying the BSc Computer Animation and the final project for the BSc is tool development.

We were taught python last year and I have put a lot of time into practising it and have a strong understanding. As you say it might be a big ask for me to do for a final project and prehaps more time should have been put in over the usmmer to ensure I knew exactly what has to be done in Houdini, exactly why I am now trying to develop an idea for Maya which unfortunately I either seem to draw blanks or has already been done.

I think I will have to sit down and have a good brainstorm about ideas in Maya and head in that direction unfortunately.

On an off note are there any tools in Houdini that you would love to see made avaliable in maya?



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If you are doing a BSc and not a BA then I'd say you will be fine doing the project you mentioned.

A lot of it is already built into Houdini, but you could rip it apart and design your own from scratch and add in the bits you feel are missing.

My apologies, I presumed you were doing a BA as I don't remember them doing a BSc when I looked at them, but it was a long time ago...

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