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pyro displace in a volume vop?


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Hey all, I've been messing around with the pyro displace node to displace volume at render-time via a shader/material. Is there a way to get the pyro displace node set up in a volume vop so I can see the displacement result in the viewport. Using pyro displace in a shop context is clear, but I don't know how it's intended to be used in a volume vop. Any ideas?

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Hi Ryan,

I'll start by saying I've never tried it :P

However have you ever done CVEX stuff? The first thing I'd try is to run something like the CVEX setup but with your cached pyro sim as the lookup.

The nice thing about that is you create a new volume field and have a viewport feedback of your shader changes.

The only thing is the effort of doing that vs just tweaking and re-rendering might not be worth it.


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thanks ChristianW, I just remebered that there is a workflow for it discussed in the cmivfx fractals tutorial someone had told me about. I wonder if that will work. There's a specific step that takes the results from a shop shader and uses it in a volumevop via some kind of override. I'll have to look back at the video. I was hoping there would be a simpler way lol.

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I found some more info! I have my volume and a volume vop under it, and I've set the vex source to "shop" and shop path to a CVEX shader builder. And the CVEX shader builder points to a vex volume procedural where I will setup pyrodisplace, etc... this node has the same or similar nodes available within a volume vop. Now I have to figure out how to port the pyro displace setup I'm referencing from the pyro shader. The output variables and parameters vex node does not accept an input, so I have to use parameter nodes to write out each field or attribute

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