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How, exactly, do I wire the gas surface tension solver to a FLIP fluid

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Well yeah that won't work, it has to work on some fields (look at the parameters window).

So you need to give it the veloctiy field (vel), surface field (surface) and I don't think you have to give it a collision field necessarily ...

The Gas Surface Tension DOP calculates a surface tension force and applies it to the velocity field. The force is present at the surface boundary and is proportional to the curvature of the surface. The effect is to push in on pimples and push out on dimples, thereby flattening the surface.

This will give you a force, so you'd have to advect by that amount etc. Easiest way I would say is to add it to your volume velocity input (3rd input of the flip solver), that way it'll advect for you.

I would have presumed surface tension was built in, but I can't see it anywhere after have a quick glance through.


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Yeah, it's not built in by default. They should probably just throw it in there, but surface tension isn't really noticeable on larger scale fluid sims, and that's probably why it's not there by default. Also, yes, volume velocity input, then type in the field names for surface and vel.

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