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.bin export from Houdini 12.5

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Hey guys,

This is my second question posted today, and after much trawling I think it may be a little more difficult to answer than my previous one...

Basically, I need to export my POPs to Realflow using the .bin format.

Now, about a year ago I used the official realflow exported for this - It was a little sketchy but certainly did the job.

However since then, Houdini has obviously updated & seemingly the plugin is no longer available/usable(?)

I've found an amazing .prt exporter for krakatoa shared here:


Thanks for sharing alinakipoglu, but unfortunately I really do have to get a .bin sequence out (plus am having issues compiling the above git, my MS visual studio is not liking it at all!)

I've also found this great looking realflow mesh importer/exporter, but I'm having trouble compiling this one as well - plus it seems only compatible with 12.1:


I guess my question is: Is it possible for me to get a .bin sequence out of Houdini 12.5 in the next day or so, with only a little C++/Py knowledge!?

I'm hoping that the 12.1 exported above will be compatible - If so, any tips on how to properly compile it would be a MASSIVE help. I've opened the included example .hip, but still no joy for me.

Apologies for long post.


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If you go to realflows site to download the latest version of the Houdini exporter, it should say what version it works in, and if you can install that version exactly, just for your export, it will work fine. I used the realflow exporters to get geo from houdini to maya with changing vertice counts in 12.1 and 12.5 both.

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Hey Dispel!

I don't have access to the *exact* same versions as it says it's compatible with at the moment. You mention that that's a necessity

It says it's compatible with 12.5.376, I'm running 12.5.371 - Do you think it will work?

(I'm not using realflow at my end, it's at another studio, so I don't have access to downloads section to test.)


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I sent some of my houdini files over to the studio I'm working with, and they tested the rf exporter on the same version I have (12.5.371).

So, in the few hours we've been testing I can confirm the rf exporter that specificly lists version 12.5.376 works with 12.5.271, so may be compatible with other versions as well.

Hope that helps anyone looking to do the same in the future! :)

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