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Bigger Curls in Curl Noise?


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Dear Houdini Community,

I've been trying to figure parameters of curl noise for my parameters and I've been stuck for quite a while...

My object moves fast from left to right and emits particles behind. I used curl noise to create curls, but I can't make the curls bigger.

They should quickly fly out of the object and then curl and disperse in the air.

I am attaching my sketch which is easier to understand. Any hint appreciated.

Have a nice weekend :}


bigger curl noise.tar.gz

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To get the look you're after it might be worth doing a low res smoke sim and advecting the particles by it.

Have a look at the example here:


(I just opened the example file and please note that you have to untick "Load from disk" on /obj/import_pyro_build/import_pyrofields and view /obj/points/popnet1 to see the particles being advected by the dop sim.)



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