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Passes question

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Hello, Im rendering some project after long time and I got stick on render layers. I cant find some passes like clear paint or flat texture (no shadows just like constant shader) and other pass like only shadow pass without textures(there is cool to split it into all lights in scene), another thing is how to render OCC render pass if I need all displacements and some objects has materieal in SOP level. I must use another mantra render node? I want passes like in example. All renders will be rendered with PBR. Thanks a lot.


Edited by blackchicken
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Occlusion pass can be generated with the Occlusion VOP inside your surface shader. Just put it in and wire it up to a Parameter VOP and set the Export flag. The name you give this Parameter is the name you use in the ROP Output layer. The type must match as well, float, vector (color), vector4(color with alpha). I would not use PBR btw. Just raytrace.

With PBR, a similar export to the Occlusion pass can be achieved by putting a white/grey environment light in your scene and export per light diffuse and specular layers.

I read the above render layers and slap comp as one person's recipe to control the final output. It is not physically plausible/correct but it does give you a lot of control over a stylized look.

Given that this recipe does not support bounce light, why bother using PBR? Just use raytrace.

I think PBR is overkill if you wish to exactly follow this process. Use Mantra raytrace and put the Occlusion VOP with Export VOP as mentioned above.

Here's how to read the break-out layers above btw:

Skin = diffuse no occlusion with no paint layer (looks like there is occlusion in there btw, arm is shadowing the chest)

Flat Texture = paint layer

Spec = light reflection layer

Fresnel (spelling!!!) = surface normal facing ratio from camera layer

Occlusion = hemispherical lighting with occluding objects layer

Z-Depth = Pz distance from camera layer

Alpha = Alpha (pre-multiplied Alpha except for rare cases where you want it un-pre-multiplied)

All of these layers can be generated in a straightforward way.

For the Fresnel facing ratio, just use an Edge Falloff VOP and wire this in to another Parameter VOP and call it fresnel then pick this up by name in the Output ROP.

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