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Hi all,

Been away for so long, this is my first post in some years I believe.

Anyway I was at a Houdini event the other day and they were talking through all the great new features in Houdini 13 and beyond and I noticed on one of the slides that numpy is now included in Houdini since 12.5 or even earlier. It's been so long since I delved into Houdini that this massively useful fact had totally passed me by.

The first thing that lept into my head when I saw this was my old HDK sop RBF morpher which is a totally awesome deformer that has gotten me out of so many tricky deformation scenarios over the years. Finally I realised I could re-write this in a Python sop and not have the issue of people needing to compile it to use it.

A few days later and after a couple of hours work here is the result. No error checking yet just the bare bones of the functionality.

Of course it's no where near the speed of the HDK one, but hey at least compilers aren't an issue with this one.


This is the source code and I've attached a example hip file and otl, non-commercial versions.

# This code is called when instances of this SOP cook.
import numpy as np
import math

node = hou.pwd()
geo = node.geometry()
inputs = node.inputs()
kernel = node.parm('kernel').eval()
power = node.parm('power').eval()
scale = node.parm('scale').eval()

def linear(r):
return r

def smooth(r):
return r*r*math.log1p(r*r)

def cube(r):
return r*r*r

def thinPlate(r):
return r*r*math.log1p(r)

def sqrt(r):
return math.sqrt(r)

def pow(r):
return math.pow(r,power)

kernels = {0: linear, 1: smooth, 2: cube, 3: thinPlate, 4: sqrt, 5: pow}

def rbfU(r):
return kernels[kernel](r)

if len(inputs) > 2:
featureGeo = inputs[1].geometry()
targetGeo = inputs[2].geometry()

numFeaturePoints = len(featureGeo.iterPoints())

matrixQ = np.zeros((numFeaturePoints,4))

#setup all the matrices with the feature point positions
i = 0;
for p in featureGeo.points():
matrixQ[i,0] = p.position()[0]
matrixQ[i,1] = p.position()[1]
matrixQ[i,2] = p.position()[2]
matrixQ[i,3] = 1
i += 1

#print matrixQ

matrixQtranspose = matrixQ.transpose()

#print matrixQtranspose

matrixK = np.zeros((numFeaturePoints, numFeaturePoints))
#scale = 1

for row in range(numFeaturePoints):
for col in range(numFeaturePoints):
ppt = featureGeo.iterPoints()[row]
p1 = ppt.position()
ppt = featureGeo.iterPoints()[col]
p2 = ppt.position()
p = p1-p2

matrixK[row,col] = rbfU(p.length()/scale)

#print matrixK

#setup the final set of linear equations in one massive matrix
matrixA = np.zeros((numFeaturePoints+4, numFeaturePoints+4))

for row in range(numFeaturePoints):
for col in range(numFeaturePoints):
matrixA[row,col] = matrixK[row,col]

for row in range(numFeaturePoints):
for col in range(numFeaturePoints, numFeaturePoints+4):
matrixA[row,col] = matrixQ[row,col-numFeaturePoints]

for row in range(numFeaturePoints, numFeaturePoints+4):
for col in range(numFeaturePoints):
matrixA[row,col] = matrixQtranspose[row-numFeaturePoints,col]

#print matrixA

#setup the solutions to all the linear equations, i.e. the target feature positions
targetX = np.zeros((numFeaturePoints+4))
targetY = np.zeros((numFeaturePoints+4))
targetZ = np.zeros((numFeaturePoints+4))

i = 0;
for p in targetGeo.points():
targetX[i] = p.position()[0];
targetY[i] = p.position()[1];
targetZ[i] = p.position()[2];

i += 1

#solve the linear equations to find the weights that map the features to the targets

weightsX = np.linalg.solve(matrixA, targetX)
weightsY = np.linalg.solve(matrixA, targetY)
weightsZ = np.linalg.solve(matrixA, targetZ)

#print weightsX

#apply the weights to the actual points on the input geometry to get the final resulting positions relative to the target feature points
NfPts = numFeaturePoints
for opt in geo.points():
outX = weightsX[NfPts]*opt.position()[0] + weightsX[NfPts+1]*opt.position()[1] + weightsX[NfPts+2]*opt.position()[2] + weightsX[NfPts+3];
outY = weightsY[NfPts]*opt.position()[0] + weightsY[NfPts+1]*opt.position()[1] + weightsY[NfPts+2]*opt.position()[2] + weightsY[NfPts+3];
outZ = weightsZ[NfPts]*opt.position()[0] + weightsZ[NfPts+1]*opt.position()[1] + weightsZ[NfPts+2]*opt.position()[2] + weightsZ[NfPts+3];

p1 = opt.position()
i = 0
for p2 in featureGeo.points():
p = p1-p2.position();
rF = rbfU(p.length()/scale);
outX += weightsX[i]*rF
outY += weightsY[i]*rF
outZ += weightsZ[i]*rF






Edited by sibarrick
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