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Assigning BSDFs in VEX Shading


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Quick question, how do you assign a bsdf to a shader when writing one? I know there's an F output, but I still feel a bit confused about it. Does anyone have any basic example? I couldn't find anything by googling.


Let's say I want to assign a diffuse BSDF to a shader that's supposed to be some color.


Do I output it like this?


Cf = color;

F = bsdf diffuse();


Or should I multiply the bsdf by the color to see the color?


F = bsdf diffuse() * color;




Edited by JonathanGranskg
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Never mind. Found this in the help docs right after posting, not exactly where I expected to find it.


// Multiply the diffuse (hemispherical) BSDF by the texture color,
// multiply a phong BSDF by 0.5, and then add the two BSDFs together

F = texture(map) * diffuse() + 0.5 * phong(20);
// Red diffuse surface
F = diffuse() * {1.0, , }


So it should be like the second one.

Edited by JonathanGranskg
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  • 4 weeks later...

And then there's albedo().

Never fully understood it, but I think it returns the overall amount a BSDF reflects. Which you can use to normalize / make a BSDF energy conserving.


So if You do

F = phong(Exponent);

albedo = albedo(F);

F *= 1/albedo;


Now, no mather what Exponent you're using, the shader will be energy conserving.

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