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Flip Fluid Collision Issue (Ocean)

Guest frostbite

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Guest frostbite

Hello guys! 


So I am doing this project for quite a while now where a spaceship is coming out of an ocean. Ocean is a part of flip simulation. I converted my object into a RBD object and gave it some initial velocity in positive Y axis. When I first tried this, it was just for testing purpose. I planned on manually animating the spaceship and using 'use deform geometry' option. However when I use that I don't get the results I expect. The spaceship just go flying through doing very little to the flip. Yes I have proper collision geo for the flip as well.


Now I asked Igor on the Facebook Houdini group that how he did his RISE project (vimeo(dot)com/82942136) and he said that he used the geometry as static and animated and used forces to break the fluid sim. Can anyone please elaborate a little more on these forces? I would be very grateful. Please check the link below for a flipbook of the simulation that was done using the 'initial velocity' method. Things pretty much work with this method as well except you lose control over your animation. 


Link - https://www.dropbox.com/s/vqbc9zw1kywxv0s/early_test_slayer.mov


Also what is body force with respect to flip fluids and how is that used? 




Edited by frostbite
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