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upres on large smoke simulation? using bgeo cache

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Hi all,

my scene is of a cracking landscape comprised of a fractured rbd simulation. The pieces of terrain falling down into an abyss. I'm using the 'billowy smoke' shelf tool to create smoke for the falling pieces. 


The division size I'm using (0.25), is taking about five hours to simulate the 900 frames I need, however that's producing around 100GB of bgeo cache data! And I'm not getting the level of detail that I'm after. I'm happy to do substantially longer sim times. But I'm not sure I can afford the massive file sizes I'll end up with. 


My plan had been to use this 100GB of data to drive an upres simulation - that I wasn't going to cache out but rather have each farm computer do their 100odd frames worth on the fly as they do final rendering. 


I'm not sure this is the best way to go about doing it? I'm open to any ideas on how I might better approach this. 


I'm only simulating a foreground area that's the first couple hundred of meters (of an area that stretches 3km to mountains.)  I've tightened the pyro tank as much as I can. I'm using a fixed size. (I deleted the auto-resize gas node)


I'm relatively new to pyro fluid sims. I've experimented with the upres shelf tool on simple sims. It works fine, but I'm not sure how to use it with a bgeo cache. For starters I can't seem to fully disconnect it from the lowres sim. In the upres node itself I can set the 'source' to a bgeo file sequence. But deleting the lowres dop network causes the Upres node to error. I can't find the remaining links, and I'm not confident that the lowres sim isn't being recalculated at the same time.


I'd appreciate any help on dealing with a large scale smoke sim like this.




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Just an update, I've come across the idea of clustering and pyro tank instancing. I'm in the middle of working out how to implement it for my particular case and I'll come back with my results.


(Also let me know if I've posted this in the wrong area.)



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Have you had a look at volume compress before saving your files (density to 16 bits)?
You could also resize your velocity as you probably don't need the full res before rendering it.

last thing would be to convert it into a VDB, saves additional space

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