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Shrinking Of Voronoi Pieces Using Velocity

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Hello All

I have a question regarding control of individual pieces of voronoi geometry using some sort of velocity expression.(I am a noob when it comes to expressions so go easy on me) I think this can be implemented using a ForEach within the AutoDOP

What I'm trying to achieve is basically this-

Once my voronoi pieces leave the main body of geometry I need to scale down the piece to nothing or make it vanish at a set point in the scene. I'm trying to give the pieces the illusion that they are disintegrating. I plan to attach a small emitter to each piece to add to the look.

I'm currently using a glue network that is controlled by Cd attribute using a distance threshold on a sphere to delete the glue network when I need to release the pieces from the main body of geometry... anyway rather than babble on I have attached the file to this message so the script can be looked at.

The file poc_RESIZE_v2r5(elongated).hipnc is the script where i generated the sky_for_sim.bgeo

and the poc_v9r3_elongated(finished_poc_sky).hipnc is the main file where the sim is implemented.

Any help with this would be fantastic as my back is well and truly against the wall






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Used a Delete attached to the geo in question with this expression length($VX,$VY,$VZ) > 0.1 && $TY > 7.5 and followed by a  Primative SOP with this expression 1-fit(length($VX,$VY,$VZ),0,22,0,1) gained all the control I need


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