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stamping points of geometry with creation frame attribute


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I'm sure this is simple, but I can't figure it out.

I have a destruction sim of ground falling away. I'm now adding smoke to this. For the fuel source I am deleting the geometry based on velocity, so that only moving points of the geo remain to be fuel.


But now I'd like to put down a point attribute that lists the frame that a point comes into existence?


I've tried using an attribVOP with an 'if' block inside. For the 'if' condition I use a 'compare' of the 'frame' attribute itself. If It's zero, then go ahead and change it, otherwise leave it alone. (Is what I think my logic is doing.) But this isn't working.


I've attached here a very simple setup showing what I've tried to do. Currently it's failing and writing the current frame number to every single point.


I'd appreciate any help.




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Frame attribute is just a input of current frame. Changing it won't update actual frame, just the attribute itself. Instead you have to go through entire time range and compare and store each frame just like simulation. You can use sop solver for this purpose as it won't flush your previous frame data.

It probably may be possible instead to use CHOPs but I`m not shire how exactly it can be done.


Good luck!

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