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Why would a model converted to VDB and back to poly render as black?

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...if I skip the conversion to vdb I can apply material and color and render normally, but when converted to vdb and back again to poly it renders as dark grey, black? I'm using the process as a quick way of tidying up the topology of some polygons that render faceted otherwise.

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When you convert to VDB and back to polys you lose uv's. If you are using a texture for your material it could be that it's rendering your texture in a really stretched out way because the uv's are missing.

What do you mean with polygons that render faceted otherwise? You might want to solve the faceting issue at the root of the problem instead of introducing more issues with volumes (losing detail etc.).

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Ah it was the normals, many thanks for the help guys, its appreciated. The source geometry has a couple of holes in it and just generally bad topology, I tried polycap and remesh but not really getting anywhere with it. Hence the dirty fix.

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