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Sopsolver not working with sopgeo.

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 Ok so I literally just started using Houdini and am trying to grasp the concept of all the operations... It’s kinda overwhelming so bare with me here. I recently started a tutorial from CMIVFX (Veins) It seems it was done in an older version of houdini not sure what version. Im only 5 mins in and have hit a wall.. From what I understand so far I have a mesh Ive scattered some points on Then selected one of those points and made a group. After that have made a dop network. Inside the dop network I have an empty object and then a sopgeo inside the sopgeo I used op:`opinputpath("../.",0)in the sop path to get the points plugged into the dop network? ok now here comes the wall.. I then plug that into a sop solver so that i can modify the points positions over time using vec code. BUT when i plug in the sopsolver it turns red and gives me an "Connection to input 0 is the wrong type" Any ideas of what’s going on here.. Like I said I’m new to Houdini so trying to understand the concept of the sopgeometry vs geometry and the sop solver and what if does exactly..


I’ve attached my file.


Really sorry if that was confusing..


Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!




Edited by rrosanky
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It's probably easier to use a solver sop (which is a sop solver set up for you already), but in any case...   put down a multi solver, and plug the sopgeo1 into the first input, and the sop solver into the second input.  Then on the sop solver, uncheck use external sop.  I don't have the code for the vops, but in theory that should do it.

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  • 2 months later...

Hey rrosanky, did you get the rest of the tutorial to work?
I ran into the same problem with plugging the sopgeo into the sopsolver, and Solitude's fix using the multisolver worked.

Then he creates some custom operator types with VEX code.
The first had a basic noise function, while the second changed the position based on velocity change:





That worked fine, and the noise caused the points to scatter.
But it was just a test.

Then he replaced the noise code with a more complex one to look for nearby points and move based on those:




crawlGoal(string pcCloud ="";
          float radius = 1;
          int maxPoints = 10;
          float maxRadius =  0.01;
          float speedMultiplier = 1;)
vector newVel = {10,0,0};
int hnd = pcopen (pcCloud, "P", P, radius, maxPoints);
int goalNbr=point(pcCloud,"goalNbr", ptnum);
vector goalPos=point(pcCloud, "P", goalNbr);
if (length(goalPos-P)<=maxRadius){
addattribute("goalNbr", goalNbr);
goalPos= point(pcCloud, "P", goalNbr);
newVel = goalPos - P;
newVel = normalize(newVel)*fit(length(newVel),0,maxRadius,0, length(newVel)*speedMultiplier);
accel = newVel - v;
accel = normalize(accel)*clamp(length(accel),0,1);

However, instead of looking for nearby points as in the tutorial, the selected point just moves slowly toward 0,0,0 for me.

Any ideas?


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  • 6 months later...

Hi mrhide, another newbie here.

Did you, or anyone, find a solution to the "point just moves slowly toward 0,0,0" problem?




Hey rrosanky, did you get the rest of the tutorial to work?
I ran into the same problem with plugging the sopgeo into the sopsolver, and Solitude's fix using the multisolver worked.

Then he creates some custom operator types with VEX code.
The first had a basic noise function, while the second changed the position based on velocity change:


That worked fine, and the noise caused the points to scatter.
But it was just a test.

Then he replaced the noise code with a more complex one to look for nearby points and move based on those:


However, instead of looking for nearby points as in the tutorial, the selected point just moves slowly toward 0,0,0 for me.

Any ideas?

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